
Newsletter 16 October 2024

Dear Members

Tassi (Neville Duff) has a 13 year old Granddaughter Lara, who was selected to go to the USA in February 2025 for her dancing in R&R, Hip Hop & Jazz.

While in America on their three-week tour, Lara will be performing at Disneyland in L.A. and The Disneyland Resort.

They will stay in 2 hotels. There is a group of 18 girls going, 2 in Lara’s dance group. They will be visiting choreographers, a dance studio and be attending dance workshops, so that they can get some guidance on how to further their dance career.

Lara's cost is $8,000.

Her mother has been in a wheel-chair after being paralysed 12 years ago, and is unable to work, and won’t be able to go with her.

Lara and her group will be chaperoned by their teacher and other adults. What a wonderful experience for her.

Gold Coast Rockers have invited Tassi and his family to run raffles at our social dance on 26th October (Saturday week) with new band The Outfit, and Lara will do a dance demonstration for us in the band break. If anyone would like to donate towards a raffle prize please see Pauline and bring your items on Wednesday. Our club will be donating a gift basket. We are happy to help our members.

Please bring extra cash to the dance & give her this opportunity to further her dancing career.

Dance is on Wed 30th, so dress up and dress your table if you wish. The club supply lollies for the front desk.

A Reminder – If you haven’t renewed your Gold coast Rockers membership, please do so prior to 30th October – after that date, you would on longer be a financial member.

is on Sunday 24th November, at 10am at the Kustoms of Australia Hall, 238 Mudgeeraba Rd, Mudgeeraba (Hinterland Museum entrance – just south of Mudgeeraba Showgrounds). Nominations are now open... help support your club – nominate for a position – we truly appreciate our volunteers.

Email completed and signed form to Suzanne. Nominations close two weeks prior to AGM (30th November).

Morning tea supplied. Suzanne, Secretary

will be on Wed 27th November if anyone wishes to bring along any clothing they wish to sell. Please label it with your name, price and size, and take the unsold items home at the end of the night. Please bring a clothes rack to hang your items if possible.

tickets will be on sale from Wednesday 30th October. Remember you have to be a current financial member to buy your ticket at members prices, so if you haven’t renewed you only have a couple of weeks to do it. We will have 3 large Christmas Hampers to raffle off in the weeks before it.

The dinner/dance is at Sharks on Saturday 14th December with the Nightcruisers band playing. Tickets are $60 members / $96 non-members. You can work on getting names of up to 10 to your table so you’re all organised when the tickets are available.

Pauline Schafer
Publicity Officer
Gold Coast Rockers

Newsletter 1 October 2024

Dear Members

The Italo-Australian club’s restaurant is now closed. Please eat before you come on Wednesday, or byo food. No byo drinks, bar is open as usual.

Many thanks to Ron and Jeanette and Sandy for the excellent way they taught the triples workshop. We had 21 attend last Saturday and we all learned a few new moves, and got more confident in the first moves we learned. This was a very enjoyable session.

One of our long-time members has passed away. Graeme Powell was passionate about cars and made the go-cart that was used in the Elvis movie. He and his lovely partner Colleen put on a function at the Italo club to celebrate the movie a couple of years ago, which was a great night. Graeme and Colleen were regular attendees at dances at Heartbeat, later N’n’G Jyve, and Gold Coast Rockers and he was very well known and respected. Our deep sympathy goes to Colleen and his family.

Graeme’s funeral details: Friday 4th October, 12:30pm. Allambie Garden Chapel, 129 Nerang Broadbeach Rd, Nerang.

Also in our thoughts is Chris Warner, who lost her sister last week. Our sympathy to her and her family too.

We have reached our maximum of 10 enrolled in the free First Aid Course this weekend, Saturday 5th October 09:00am-12:00noon, at the Italo-Australian Club. Many thanks to Trevan for his commitment to teach us how to help others.

If anyone else is interested in doing another course in the future, I can start a waiting list and when we reach the required number we can set a date.

I have 11 names down to do the demonstration of RnR / Line / Partner dancing on Wednesday October 16thfrom 1-3pm, at Ozcare De Paul Villa, Just past Ashmore City, 27 Edmund rice Drive Southport. It’s not too late if anyone else wants to volunteer to help us provide some entertainment for the residents. Please let me know if you’re available.

We are holding a Rock n Roll dance at the Italo-Australian Club, and trying out a new band called The Outfit, made up of Brian Greatbanks on keyboard, Barry Pearson (lead guitar), Peter Tune (Bass), The Captain (Drums)... all talented musicians with many years experience. Come and dance the night away. Entry will be just $5 to cover the cost of the band, so please bring all your friends to make this a successful night. This isn’t just a normal club dance, it is open to the public. All welcome. Let’s pack the place out!

I become an Aussie citizen today so I’m excited about that. Aussie Aussie Aussie, OI OI OI!
Pauline Schafer
Publicity Officer
Gold Coast Rockers

Newsletter 25 September 2024

Dear Members

was so enjoyable last Sunday that we want to do it again to re-enforce what we learned, and learn some more moves, so we are having another two-hour workshop next Saturday 28th September from 09:30am-11:30am at the Italo-Australian Club. We had 7 teams of 3 learning last weekend, and they all want to come back and we have some more dancers interested too. Just $10 CASH at the door (please have the correct money) to have a fun two hours. Please bring a water bottle with you. Please confirm with Pauline if you are coming. Ph or text 0410 291 173 or email

This wednesday, after the beginner’s lesson tonight, we will get all those up who learned the triples to show us what they have learned. You will see that we are all at different stages of abilities, but we all enjoyed having a go.

to learn CRP and how the DEFIB machine works if we need it. Saturday 5th October

We are going to run a FREE 3-4 hour First Aid course to learn how we can render basic first aid to anyone, especially at our club, if needed, but once you have these skills, they can be used everywhere of course. Our Tutor will be Trevan, one of our members, who is trained to teach these skills and has the mannikins that will be used. (If anyone needs to do a full 8-hour course covering other skills, and receive a certificate, you will need to talk to Trevan about another date and pay for the course.)

Pauline has a list of those interested, so if you would like to partake, please put your name down, and we will confirm when we have a time. Saturday 5th October, in the back carpeted room behind the stage at the Italo Club.

We’ve been asked if we can do a demo and entertain the residents at Ozcare De Paul Villa, just past Ashmore City, 27 Edmund Rice Drive, Southport, on their celebration day for Seniors Month on Wednesday October 16th, 1:00-3:00pm. Brian did announce this last week but I don’t think a lot of you could hear him, and we have No Names yet on the list that Pauline has. If I don’t have enough names by 9pm tonight, I will pass this offer on to another club. The Dress Code is Rock n Roll or Grease Theme.

One day a lot of us might be in one of these homes and just think how much we will enjoy a group of dancers coming in to entertain us.

So please put your name down by return email or in person tonight at the Club, if you are able to help.

We have a small supply coming of black hand towels with Gold Coast Rockers embroidered on them in gold/yellow at one end of the towel. Pauline has an order form if any of you would like to put your name down, and if the demand is there, we will do another order. (I have 7 held for people at the moment. Price to be confirmed once we receive them.

During Band break Brian/Graeme/Bob makes announcements on coming events (and will mention all the above), as well as draw the raffles. It would be nice if everyone could please LISTEN POLITELY when he is talking instead of talking to your friends during this time.

On November 13th, We had the Chevies booked for their first gig, but they’ve cancelled as Rick has sold their home and they are moving away. Instead, we are lucky enough to have booked Little Stevie and the Tail Fins, so we are assured of another great night’s music and dancing.

Pauline Schafer
Publicity Officer
Gold Coast Rockers

Newsletter 9 September 2024

Hi Members

I hope you’re all enjoying the lovely warm weather as much as I am. I’m excited because yesterday I received my invitation to become an Australian Citizen (which will give me dual citizenship) on 1st October. Then I’ll be able to vote in the elections from then on.

On Sunday 22nd September, we are running the Triples workshop. We still need more ladies, so if you haven’t got your name down yet with me, please see me this Wednesday night to register. If we don’t get enough partners’ it just means that some of us will share. If those who have registered can please confirm that you will be there, that would be wonderful. Thanks.

We are currently ordering some black hand towels and will get our Gold Coast Rockers Dance Club name embroidered on one end of it in yellow/gold. Could you please give us an expression of interest on how many you would like to buy, and we can do a batch run to accommodate this number. With the warmer months coming, it’s good to take a towel to dancing if you get sweaty (and bring a change of shirt if you tend to get very sweaty).

We have some terrific bands lined up for you over the next couple of months including another new band on November 13th, the Chevies. On November 20th I’ll put a questionnaire on the front desk if you wish to give us some feedback, by numbering your favourite bands in order of priority, out of them all that we’ve had throughout the year. Then we will know which bands to prioritise next year when we do the bookings so that we bring you your favourite entertainers. We are so very lucky to have so many good entertainers on the Gold Coast.There isn’t much work for bands in the clubs and pubs these days, but we like to keep them employed. Please see the "Whats On" page for details.

Sunday 24th November, at 10am. Annual General Meeting: (AGM). This will take place at the Kustoms of Australia Club Rooms, 238 Mudgeeraba Rd, Mudgeeraba. All financial members welcome to attend. If you wish to nominate for any positions, forms will be made available nearer the time. All positions become vacant every year, so if you wish to be involved in running the club, this is your chance.

Saturday 14th December: Christmas dinner/dance - details below
Venue: Sharks Entertainment Centre, Southport
Doors open at 5:30pm

We will be served a lovely two-course meal, and the band The Nightcruisers will play 4 sets of fantastic music from 6:30 to 11pm. Tickets will be on sale after 30th October, but you can prepare your list of who will be sitting at your table ready for when bookings open with Suzanne. (Tables of 10) Remember that to get tickets and entry at members prices you must be a financial member for the 2024/25 year. Members price: $60 per person / Non-Members price $96. We will have some lovely Christmas Hamper raffles when it’s nearer the time.

Membership renewal remains at $25 and you can pay this from now on. Application forms are at the front desk, and please pay the people who are manning the front desk till. You will be allocated a new purple membership card by Suzanne. Your yellow card 2023/24 expires at the end of September.


Pauline Schafer
Publicity Officer
Gold Coast Rockers

Newsletter 7 August 2024

Dear Members

Our club is keen to put on a Triples Workshop if there is enough interest. Ron and Jeannette and Sandy have graciously accepted the invitation to teach it. We envisage a 2-hour class, maybe on a Sunday morning. We need to gauge how much interest there would be in this.

Triples is when one man (or lady doing the lead) dances with two ladies. We have quite a few single ladies and it’s a way of making sure that they get a dance too if no-one else asks them.

Can you please talk to your friends and get a team together and let me know the names and phone numbers of those interested in making up a team. If you don’t have another 2 people to do it with and you’re keen yourself, can you please let me know and I can try and match people up.

I will have a form on the front desk on Wednesday night as well, so you can add your names there if you don’t get back to me.

If there is enough interest, and once we have finalised a date, I will do up a flyer and we’ll advertise it and will take non-members too.

We have the wonderful Night Cruisers playing tonight. It’s club colours night so wear your black and gold/yellow if you have it. We are also celebrating August birthdays. It’s week 1 of the beginners lessons with Geoff and Pauline from 6:30-7:30 and the band entertain us until 9:30pm.

We have the Fundraiser Dance for the Endeavour Foundation in conjunction with Mary and Brian, who do the Endeavour Car Rally, and the Scarab Car Club will also be there with their amazing cars. Doors open at 10:30am. Tickets $10 CASH ONLY at the front desk. You will be given a $5 voucher to spend at the bar or restaurant on the day. Mary will be selling raffle tickets, with some amazing prizes, so bring some spare cash with you. We have great music to dance to from the fabulous Night Cruisers.

We have a new band for us, Kris Knight and the Boogey Men, and we’re celebrating Elvis’s birthday (which is on 18th), so if anyone has any Elvis clothing, please wear it and join in the celebrations. I saw Kris’s band at Cooly Rocks On and thought they were great.

We have Buddy Love and the Tremors.

We have the Rockafellas.

We are having Little Stevie and the Tail Fins for the first time.

(The committee would appreciate your feedback on what you think of the bands so that we can continue booking bands that you like dancing to the most.)

A.G.M. at 10am. Venue to be advised.

Membership expires 30 October, and are due for renewal from 1 September.

Christmas dinner/Dance is on at Sharks. $60 members / $96 non-members. Tickets NOT available yet, on sale after 30th October, but you can get a list of people who will be sitting at your table ready for when the bookings open.

Pauline Schafer
Publicity Officer
Gold Coast Rockers

GCR Trophies

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Some of our Trophies / Silverware from Cooly Rocks On and the old Wintersun parades. Held by Brian Humphrey.

Dance floor - Etiquette


Generally the rule of thumb is: The outside of the dance floor is for circle dances, going anti-clockwise. The inside is for Rock n Roll and line/partner dancing.

May we ask that the rock n roll dancers dance at the front of the room and the line/partner dancers dance at the back of the room, and then we’re not getting in each other’s way.

Be aware of other dancers around you and don’t dance into their space; glance around before you take a step back; put your partner into a clear space where they’re not going to bump anyone and take smaller steps if it’s crowded.

Tips for our hot weather: Have a shower; if you perspire a lot bring a spare shirt or two; bring a sweat towel and don’t forget deodorant.

©2024 Gold Coast Rockers Dance Club Inc. ABN:41 609 016 162. All rights reserved.