
Club News

GCR Trophies

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Some of our Trophies / Silverware from Cooly Rocks On and the old Wintersun parades. Held by Brian Humphrey.

Italo-Australian Club - Dance floor



While the club was closed, the carpet was lifted to reveal a lovely dance floor in great condition.

Thanks go to Mark Wilson, Mark O’Brien and their helpers who have made this possible. (They will also be running their classes from here.)

We now have a large wooden dance floor taking up the whole room. This is the biggest and best dance floor on the Gold Coast!

Dance floor - Etiquette


Generally the rule of thumb is: The outside of the dance floor is for circle dances, going anti-clockwise. The inside is for Rock n Roll and line/partner dancing.

May we ask that the rock n roll dancers dance at the front of the room and the line/partner dancers dance at the back of the room, and then we’re not getting in each other’s way.

Be aware of other dancers around you and don’t dance into their space; glance around before you take a step back; put your partner into a clear space where they’re not going to bump anyone and take smaller steps if it’s crowded.

Tips for our hot weather: Have a shower; if you perspire a lot bring a spare shirt or two; bring a sweat towel and don’t forget deodorant.

RIP Robert Forbes


Shirley's husband Robert passed away on the night of Saturday June 24. After fighting illness after illness over the last 18 months, he finally succumbed in the presence of his adoring family.

Robert was an early member of the Gold Coast Rockers, No. 8, and will be so missed. He loved the Gold Coast Rockers, Elvis, Rock-n-Roll and his favourite band, Route 66. He will be the brightest star in Rock-n-Roll heaven.

RIP Robert

RIP Tony Gordon


It is with great sadness that I inform Gold Coast Rocker members and friends of the passing of our member Tony Gordon on the evening of Wednesday March 8.

Tony was a fun-loving, genuine guy and an avid lover of Chevies and Rock n Roll.

He was a member of Gold Coast Rockers for many years. We will miss him greatly, his friendly smile and sense of humour. He was always ready to lend a helping hand and to play the prankster.

On behalf of Gold Coast Rockers and friends we extend our love and deepest sympathy to his wife Sharon and family.

RIP Tony

PREVIOUS Presidents Report

image JANUARY 2023

I hope your Christmas was Merry with family and friends. And you celebrated the New Year in, in style.

We're already off and running in 2023, time has started flying.

We will be back on the dance floor on Wednesday February 1st, at the Italo-Australian Club. Come burn the floor, Route 66 kicking off at 7.30pm. We'll be celebrating February birthdays and it's Club Colours night. You can always access information on our Website - Gold Coast Rockers Dance Club and our Facebook page.

We have new Dance Teachers for 2023. Dell Buckby hails from Brisbane. Steve Meagher, well I'm pretty sure you all know Steve.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

Kerrie Hasic
Gold Coast Rockers Dance Club.

PREVIOUS Presidents Report

image 15 DECEMBER 2022

Hello fellow members,

A few words from your new President.

Welcome aboard Graeme Oates our new Vice President. I thank Suzanne our Secretary and Sharon our Treasurer for taking on the task of running the club for another 12 months. I trust we the new committee continue to bring innovative and enjoyable times for you.

To Graeme Jensz our webmaster, your presentation and running of the website is exceptional, thank you.

A huge thank you to the out going committee Bob, Brian and Michele for your splendid work during a challenging year, providing outstanding high-quality dance nights and social events.

We thank our photographers that capture wonderful moments and memories - Stan Simankowicz, Geoff Taylor and Shirley Forbes.

To the unsung heroes who work behind the scenes and volunteer when help is needed at our dance nights and Hops thank you.

We appreciate all who donate a diverse range of prizes for raffles, a huge saving for our club, thank you.

On behalf of single ladies, thank you gentlemen for ensuring we get to dance the night away too.

To all Gold Coast Rockers.
Kerrie Hasic
Gold Coast Rockers Dance Club.

PREVIOUS Presidents Report

image NOVEMBER 2022

Another great year even though CoVid raised its ugly head occasionally and sadly, continued difficulties with the kitchen and food service. Hopefully we’re passed that now. Gold Coast Rockers memberships are already at 257 since our renewals were due 1 October – we are on FIRE! I must say, it is nice to see our single members are dancing and are not forgotten. Thanks guys.

Our 31st Birthday HOP, the GATSBY Casino Party, Annual Mt Nimmel BBQ amongst other themed nights were well received, so you can all look forward to OUR 32nd birthday HOP next year in March – don’t the year’s go quickly. I’m sure the new committee will have something exciting planned.

Personally I want to thank my partner, our Events/Hop/Front Door Director [Michele] for the fantastic job in arranging all these events for us and coordinating the volunteers weekly for our Club Nights. What about our Christmas Dinner Dance – another victory for Michele with a fabulous atmosphere with over 200 people attending, a great band, excellent food, even a visit from Santa and a silly old goat with his blue healer who thinks he can sing, who led us all in singing Aussie Jingle Bells – A Rusty Holden Ute. Congratulations to all those who were lucky to be drawn out for one of the GIFTS and especially Joan Ferguson for the $100 lucky door prize.

Thank you to Robyn Wallace and her staff at the Italo-Australian Club, which is our home. Also thanks to all the great bands who played for us during the year. We still managed to host over 100+ rockers most weeks including from interstate and across the ditch {NZ}.

Thanks to club member Graeme Jensz for updating and running our website. Since going live back in January, we have had over 24,000 HITS. So if you want to know anything about the club, past or future go to and click on the appropriate tab to be kept up to date with What’s On.

I want to wish you all a happy, healthy and safe Christmas and New Year. Finally, in closing, thank you all for your support.

R. Hammond (Bobby)
Gold Coast Rockers Dance Club Inc.

PREVIOUS Events/Front Door Director’s Report

image NOVEMBER 2022

Christmas celebrations came early for 205 Gold Coast Rockers, friends and other lovers of Rock N Roll last Saturday at the SHARKS Event Centre. What a great venue – our 3rd major event there. The volume of positive comments and thanks received supports that you couldn’t fault the food, service, value for money.

Besides our Christmas theme, we added Dress to Impress and it was – both ladies and gents showed their creative colourful style and designed rocker and evening dresses and stylish suits to enjoy the sumptuous 3 course menu. Everyone rock n rolled, line danced, partner danced or just sat, ate and enjoyed the music to the fantastic sound of The Rockafellas. An opportunity to catch up with friends and of course SANTA for a photo. Were ‘y o u’ on the naughty list?

The Presidents Room was set with class and decorated to create the atmosphere for the night. EVERYONE was dressed to impress and some great photos were taken.

Thank you to my supportive team of helpers who volunteer, not only their time but their own creative flare whenever possible to ensure our events are memorable and run smoothly – a sincere thank you! We may not be professionals but we are professional at what we do. Special mention of - I say this all the time – that without YOU who come, enjoy, share, have FUN and help create more fond memories for our dance club, nearly 31 years old – all our efforts would be for nought!

As this will be my last major event as I will not be nominating again at the coming AGM, I’d encourage everyone to think about having a go and help your club to remain or grow even more in being the friendly club. KEEP ON SMILING – it is infectious!

Please check out our website – for photos of a fantastic night and any future events.

Event/Hop/Front Door Director
Gold Coast Rockers Dance Club Inc.

©2024 Gold Coast Rockers Dance Club Inc. ABN:41 609 016 162. All rights reserved.